Dhananjay Kuber

Create Your Very First Custom Block in WordPress

In this article we will create a custom block to show the Quote and Author name in the post. We will create the Custom Quote Block using @wordpress/create-block package. This package generates the necessary code and quickly setup the environment to create custom block. In order to use this package we need nodejs installed on our machine. In wordpress every block in the editor is displayed through a React component.

After creating this Quote Block on the post admin will see the two input box to enter Quote and Author name for Quote Block Custom Quote Block

and this is how custom Quote Block is visible to end user Custom Quote Block


  • Go in the app/public/wp-content/plugins folder in wordpress installation and execute the command npx @wordpress/create-block@latest custom-quote-block --variant=dynamic
  • The above command will generate the initial code which is used to create Custom Block
  • Then run cd custom-quote-block and npm start

Why we create block in plugins folder?

To ensure they stay available when a theme gets switched.

Folder Structure

File Structure

  • We will see the above file structure of custom-quote-block

    • php file with plugin name register the block on the server
    • build folder contain optimized production ready build of Block
    • node_modules contains all the necessary dependencies
    • src contains all the files that actually used for creating Block (where we write code)
    • src/block.json contain metadata to register block
    • src/index.js will register block on client side
    • src/edit.js contain what to render when block in added on the Editor
    • src/save.js will save block structure in database (result of save function will be stored in database in post_content field)
    • src/render.php will dynamically render the block

Plugin Activation

  • After this we need to activate the plugin from the wp-admin dashboard



  • To change the title and description of block we need to edit title and description attributes of block.json file
// block.json
  "title": "Quote Block",
  "category": "widgets",
  "description": "Custom Quote Block."
  • To add new icon to the Quote Block, we need to it from index.js file here we create component with name Icon and assign it to icon property in registerBlockType.
// index.js
import { registerBlockType } from '@wordpress/blocks';

import './style.scss';

import Edit from './edit';
import metadata from './block.json';

// use icon svg (must be of 24px)
const Icon = () => {
  return (
      viewBox="0 0 24 24"
      <path d="M9.983 3v7.391c0 5.704-3.731 9.57-8.983 10.609l-.995-2.151c2.432-.917 3.995-3.638 3.995-5.849h-4v-10h9.983zm14.017 0v7.391c0 5.704-3.748 9.571-9 10.609l-.996-2.151c2.433-.917 3.996-3.638 3.996-5.849h-3.983v-10h9.983z" />

registerBlockType(metadata.name, {
  edit: Edit,
  icon: Icon, // add icon like this
  • After this search Quote Block in the Editor of post and Block will appear like this


  • The Quote has two fields which are Quote and Author. So in order to store the Quote and Author attributes property in block.json is used.
  • In block.json we define two property for the same
// block.json
	"$schema": "https://schemas.wp.org/trunk/block.json",
	"apiVersion": 3,
	"name": "create-block/custom-quote-block",
	"version": "0.1.0",
	"title": "Quote Block",
	"category": "widgets",
	"description": "Custom Quote Block.",
	"example": {},
	"attributes": {  // ------- Added attributes here -------
		"quote": {
			"type": "string"
		"author": {
			"type": "string"
	"supports": {
		"html": false
	"textdomain": "custom-quote-block",
	"editorScript": "file:./index.js",
	"editorStyle": "file:./index.css",
	"style": "file:./style-index.css",
	"render": "file:./render.php",
	"viewScript": "file:./view.js"

Rendering Quote Block Within Editor

  • edit.js file is responsible to control how block will function and appear in the Editor.
// edit.js
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import { useBlockProps } from '@wordpress/block-editor';

import './editor.scss';

export default function Edit({ attributes, setAttributes }) {
  const { quote, author } = attributes;

  return (
    <div {...useBlockProps()}>
        <label for="quote">Quote</label>
          value={quote || ''}
          onChange={(e) => setAttributes({ quote: e.target.value })}
          placeholder="Enter quote"
        <label for="author">Author</label>
          value={author || ''}
          onChange={(e) => setAttributes({ author: e.target.value })}
          placeholder="Enter author name"
  • here the useBlockProps add all the css and styles needed by the block editor

  • Edit has access to attributes and setAttributes props. Using this we can get and set the attributes defined in block.json

  • for input element we have provided value from the attributes and onChange we have set the new value to the attributes using setAttributes so when we save the post the Input typed in the input box is saved.

Rendering Quote Block in Frontend

  • After saving the post Quote Block is working properly in the Editor but the default message is still displayed on the frontend (open the link of post and see). For that we need to do some changes in render.php
<!-- render.php  -->
<div <?php echo get_block_wrapper_attributes(); ?>>
	<h4><?php echo $attributes['quote']; ?></h4>
	<p>By - <?php echo $attributes['author']; ?></p>
  • In render.php get_block_wrapper_attributes works same as useBlockProps (load all necessary css and styles)

  • Here also we have access to the $attributes. So here we show $attributes['quote']Quote and and$attributes['author'] using this.

This is how we can easily create the basic WordPress custom block for Gutenburg Editor