Dhananjay Kuber

Day 7 at rtCamp


  • OOP stands for Object Oriented Programming. OOP is more focused on writing classes and functions in it and creating objects that has access to both data and functions.
  • Following are some advantages of OOP
    • Faster and easier to execution
    • Helps to keep the PHP code DRY Don't Repeat Yourself
  • Here class is template of object and object is instance of class
class Person {
  public $name;
  public $age;

  function setName($name) {
    $this->name = $name;

  function getName() {
    return $this->name;

$john = new Person();
echo $john->getName();

Constructor & Destructor


  • Constructor allows initialize an object properties upon creation of the object.
  • In php __construct() function used to create constructor
class Person {
  public $name;
  public $age;

  public function __construct($name, $age) {
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->age = $age;

$john = new Person('John', 18);
echo $john->name;
echo $john->age;


  • Destructor is called when the object is destructed or the script is stopped.
  • In php __destruct() function is used to create a destructor
  • __destruct() is automatically called when script ends
  • Destructor can be used to release some resource and close IO or database connections
class Person {
  public $name;
  public $age;

  public function __construct($name, $age) {
    $this->name = $name;
    $this->age = $age;

  public function __destruct() {
    echo "Releasing resources";

Access Modifiers

  • PHP provides following access modifiers which controls where the properties and functions are accessible
    • public: can be accessed from everywhere default access specifier
    • protected: can be accessed within the class and by classes derived from that class
    • private: can only be accessed within the class


  • Screenshots of Github Timeline assignment

  • Subscribe page Screenshot-1

  • Verify OTP page Screenshot-2

  • Received OTP on the email Screenshot-3

  • Subscription confirmation Screenshot-4

  • Subscription confirmation email Screenshot-5

  • Github timeline updates after each 5 minutes on email Screenshot-6

  • Option to unsubscribe Screenshot-7

  • Unsubscription confirmation Screenshot-8